Process Server Hamilton | (289) 315 3553

Our Process Servers in Hamilton will work around the clock to get your court papers served on the respondents
This site is managed and operated by Court Runner Inc

As a reputable Process Serving organization, we can provide efficient and speedy service both locally and nationally. You can contact us for complaints, summons, foreclosures or even subpoenas and we will be happy to attend to you. We can also pick up the legal documents to be serviced by your firm. Although we may prefer some expedition period, we can also work with 24 hours of service time on all documents. Contact us today!

You can now hire us through the Court Runner Process Serving APP Available on Playstore and Applestore. Fast, Reliable and Efficient.

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Court Filing

There is absolutely no court in Canada we can’t go to file your court paper.
We are familiar with the operations in Copenhagen and Brussels courts and it enhances the level of our professionalism and efficiency. We can either arrange to mail documents to our office to pick up or pick up the necessary legal documents from your firm. The arrangement is based on your preference.

We will also review each case and make necessary amendments that are required by the court before taking the documents to the court. In the end, this will prevent unnecessary delays resulting from court rejection. Contact us today and let’s get started.

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We offer Skip Tracing too

We can locate any individual for process service. All you need is to provide a few information such as the date of birth and we will locate the defendant. You are advised to contact us for a quote because fees vary with location.

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Our Agency pushes the edge.


We strive to get to the bottom of any service we provide. We push ourselves to the edge for our clients. Customer satisfaction is very important to us. Hence, why we are mostly recommended by many


We get the job done


Give us the job and you are rest assured the job will be delivered adequate and timely. Our process servers work with other professional Process Servers to create efficiency and get the work done according to the client’s expectation


Process Server Ontario/Hamilton


Our job at Process Server Ontario is to handle your process serving needs with speed and efficiency. We have more than ten years of experience, so you know that we have you covered real good.


What we do


We offer a quick and reliable process serving in Ontario. We ensure that our procedures are ethical and efficient. We also offer competitive prices for your legal procedures and attend to your needs without making any mistakes.


Who we provide services for


We provide services for individuals, corporations, lawyers, and other people who need us to serve legal documents that notify people about a lawsuit.


All our services include:


Process serving

We provide this service if you need to deliver relevant legal documents to someone to make them aware of a lawsuit. These documents can be anything from small claims, to divorce papers, summons, and so on.


Skip tracing


If your respondent (the one who is to receive the documents) does not have a particular location or you’re not sure how to find them, we offer skip tracing services to help you track them down.


Court Filing


We offer this service when there’s a need for court filing. Since we know the ethics, we always follow legal principles to get this done.


Why Process Serving is Crucial


Process serving has come to be a crucial process because, according to the law, people must be made aware of what’s about to happen before legal actions are fully taken.

You need a process server to handle that for you to avoid breaking territorial rules and getting involved personally.


Why should you choose us?


We are trained for this. We have trained professionals that will provide personal service on your behalf. If you require skip tracing or court filing services to complete the serving, we also offer those at very reasonable prices. We follow legal ethics and protect your interest by 100%.


  • We handle every situation uniquely.
  • We do not provide general services.
  • We treat every situation as peculiar.


We listen to you to fully understand what we have to deal with and get the ball rolling on time to make sure that the serving is completed on time.


We offer competitive prices. We are not interested in extorting you and we’ll give you the best prices you can find around.


We take the burden off you. It can get sticky, trying to figure out everything yourself. You should allow professionals to do a neat job so you can focus on other things to ensure a successful lawsuit. We relieve you of the work and see to it that all goes well.

In some places, anyone above 18 who is not involved in the lawsuit can serve the papers. The only drawback with that is that asking someone who is not a professional can be dangerous. This is because the person may not follow the ethics and, as such, violate provincial laws, putting you in more trouble.

It’s best to let a professional do what has to be done. That way, you’d know things will go smoothly. Don’t hesitate to contact us!